Does well-crafted, beautiful, Gospel-infused music matter in today’s world? Absolutely! We are committed to building community around music that leaves a positive impact on our spiritual, emotional, and mental health. YOU help us produce content. YOU enable us to reach thousands with gourmet music. YOU fuel the non-profit work here at UTR. We only bring you two campaigns a year: our end-of-the-year fundraiser… and this, All Aboard 2022, our mid-year campaign. Our research shows that 99% of the people who actively listen to UTR content never give a gift of support. So consider this your invitation to climb “all aboard” the UTR Support Team train.
UPDATE: The All Aboard 2022 Campaign has now ended. A big THANK YOU to everyone who has supported UTR’s mission with their kindness and generosity!

NOW thru AUG.15
Goal: $10,000
Pledged: $4,125
- Tim & Betony Coons – Greeley, CO
- Abby Kirkaldie – Lewistown, MT
- Steve Watson – Rockwall, TX
- Lori Walden – Carlinville, IL
- Mick Haupt – Orlando, FL
ANY size gift is welcome, and all gifts are tax-deductible. If you can give at the $50+ level, you’ll receive a $25 matching gift plus the full-length Q&A session with Andrew Peterson, Ben Shive, & Andy Gullahorn — it’s 40% more content than what you heard on “Green Room Door Ep. 46” including a bonus live performance. If you can give at the $100+ level, you’ll receive a $50 match, the full Q&A, and the full audio concert of the Andrew Peterson & the Captains Courageous reunion recorded at Judson University. [Our efforts to make a video of the concert were unsuccessful]. If you can give at the $240+ level, you’ll receive a $100 match, the full Q&A, audio concert, signed concert poster, 10 signed CDs, and a UTR tee.

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