We love discovering the most meaningful music being made. Were you able to keep up on all the new well-crafted, faith-inspired music in 2023? There sure was a lot! We can help point you to the gotta-hear releases as we bring you the 15th consecutive year of our most-loved UTR tradition. This isn’t just one person’s opinion, but a collective list comprising of the input of a 10-member panel of music critics. Plus, we want to get YOUR feedback as well (with a prize drawing below). Without further ado, we are proud to present to you UTR’s Top 11 Gourmet Albums of 2023.
[Albums qualify if by an artist who is a Christian, has over 50% new material, and is released publicly between 12/1/22 and 11/30/23.]

1. Circle Back, Start Again – Tina Boonstra
This UK artist’s prior release, City of Doubt, surprised some of our followers when it was named UTR’s #1 gourmet album of 2020. Tina Boonstra’s follow-up hits another bullseye and WOWed our panelists again. One described this as “a stunning album filled with brilliant lyrics and thoughtful musical nuances about life’s struggles that left me awestruck.” Another called this “rich and moody with depth and maturity that defies her young age.” Circle Back, Start Again is the #1 best gourmet album of the year! [SPOTIFY LINK] [YOUTUBE LINK]

2. Bare and Bones – Candace Coker
This album features top shelf songwriting, wonderfully original vocals, and a beautiful glow to the music (with thanks to producer Lori Chaffer). One of our critics said, “This is one of the most creative albums this year.” Another shared, “Bare and Bones is soulful and moving on every listen.” And yet another added, “The inspired songwriting, impeccable musical production, and Candace’s transcendent vocals make this an extraordinary album.” What an amazing achievement for a debut studio album! [SPOTIFY LINK] [YOUTUBE LINK]

3. Welcome – The Arcadian Wild
“Tight interweaving instrumentation with delicately perfected melodies are the perfect package to ‘welcome’ anyone into a musical journey of hope and wonder,” quipped one of our panelists. In an age increasingly defined by information, technology, and devices, The Arcadian Wild calls us to rekindle the wonder and warmth of place, marked by face-to-face relationships. One critic detailed, “Welcome is everything that I have come to love about music over the years: it’s warm, vocally enthralling, musically riveting, and lyrically poignant.” [SPOTIFY LINK] [YOUTUBE LINK]

4. Lauren Daigle – Lauren Daigle
How would Lauren follow up her crossover breakout and Grammy-winning album Look Up Child? With a new slate of songs that are even more layered and vibrant, both musically and thematically, that should take her career to new heights. One UTR critic proclaimed, “This release embraces old-school soul and Louisiana flavored arrangements that perfectly suits Lauren’s voice.” Another shared, “Insatiably joyful and delivered with power, Daigle returns with a candor and passion for her faith that is beautiful.” [SPOTIFY LINK] [YOUTUBE LINK]

5. Memory Unfixed – Mike Mains & the Branches
Don’t be surprised if you are drawn in by the infectious and melodic indie-rock hooks, and then find yourself chewing on the deep lyrics and weighty themes. One of our panelists shared, “You’ll enjoy the emotive vocals, musical excellence, and tight harmonies on one meaningful song after another. It’s one of the most energetic and emotionally engaging albums I’ve heard this year.” Another mentioned, “Mains writes songs to help people feel less alone and this mix of sweet and salty is the perfect combination.” [SPOTIFY LINK] [YOUTUBE LINK]

6. The Cannonballers – Colony House
“Colony House cuts loose in ways only previously hinted at on prior albums,” reviewed one panelist. This album has an ingredient sometimes forgotten in modern rock music: fun. After over a decade of touring, these fellows are now seasoned pros, and this February 2023 release oozes confidence and joy. A UTR critic called this “an album that is as playful as it is nostalgic in its songs reminiscing on the past.” Another described it as “such a rich tapestry of songs to explain the highs and lows of the human experience.” [SPOTIFY LINK] [YOUTUBE LINK]

7. Manna Pt. 1 – Chris Renzema
These songs are about a faith re-orientation – not afraid to doubt, lament, and ask hard questions – while also never throwing faith out the window. Chris has carved an impressive niche that’s too gritty for KLOVE and too faith-centric for NPR. One UTR critic celebrated, “Here, we see Renzema at his most mature lyrically as he dives into themes on how faith and church are challenged and changing.” Another added, “This album is a surprising burst of orthodox theology woven in gorgeous tones, which all comes across as peaceable, beautiful, and true.” [SPOTIFY LINK] [YOUTUBE LINK]

8. Featherbrained Wealth Motel – Dave Barnes
It’s a glorious experiment gone right. In an effort to expand his musical horizons, Dave Barnes dedicated an entire year of listening to the full Beatles catalog, and this album is the creative result. One panelist stated, “While an obvious nod to the Beatles, Barnes adds his superb songwriting skills to produce an engaging listening experience.” Another mentioned, “While bearing some signatures of the Fab Four, Barnes filters it through his singer-songwriter lens and produces a true delight of new originals.” [SPOTIFY LINK] [YOUTUBE LINK]

9. Caves – Needtobreathe
These guys are becoming prolific in their musical output. This is their 3rd full-length studio album in the last four years – and they are showing no signs of slowing down. One UTR critic describes this September release as “profoundly hopeful with anthems that will point you upward.” Another panelist quipped, “Another solid effort from a reliably great band, this time exploring themes of forgiveness and hope while fusing Americana and gospel styles to their rock sound.” [SPOTIFY LINK] [YOUTUBE LINK]

10. Land of the Living – Jason Gray
Jason Gray has this uncanny ability to write songs that feel commercially strong yet with an indie heart… songs that feel both personal and universal. This slate of songs has lots of pop hooks, but so many moments that will surprise you with depth and vulnerability. A member of our panel stated, “Whimsical, authentic and hopeful are words that come to mind when listening to the latest delivery from Gray. Lyrics challenge the believer to see the bigger story in every smaller interaction.” [SPOTIFY LINK] [YOUTUBE LINK]

11. Pioneer – Cory Asbury
“Surprise!” exclaimed one critic. “There’s more to Cory Asbury than worship music. Turns out he has a heart for country/folk that perfectly suits these personable faith-based songs of longing and gratitude.” What a delightful musical risk, as this Dove and Grammy Award-winner, detours from his praise and worship roots (co-writer of “Reckless Love”) to make an earthy and engaging old-school country album that would make Dolly and Johnny proud. As one panelist shared, “This album took me off guard.” [SPOTIFY LINK] [YOUTUBE LINK]
There you have it! Our critics’ picks of the Top 11 albums of 2023. Our panel has a wide taste and interest in music, so it’s always interesting to see how the final collective list shakes out. This also means that there were around three dozen albums cited by our critics that did not make the list above. So we are giving a quick nod to each of these as an extended “best of the year” list. The first six listed are our Honorable Mentions, but the rest are listed in no particular order.
- Ordinary Ways – Jon Guerra
- Hopeful Hearts Club – Jervis Campbell
- Wayward & Home, pt.2 – Drakeford
- O Sun O Moon – Bruce Cockburn
- No More Wasted Years – Common Hymnal
- I Can’t Find the Edges of You – Citizens
- Fever/Sky – Wilder Woods
- Grim Age – The Classic Crime
- EP – Eric Peters
- Slow Renaissance – Josh Gauton
- Glory Hour – Victory
- Coco Moon – Owl City
- Strangers No More – Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors
- Redwood – Christa Wells
- Pilgrimage – Phil Keaggy
- Altar Fire 2 – Sam McCabe
- Certain – Anna Palfreeman
- Colors of My Mind – Carolina Story
- Jenny From Thebes – The Mountain Goats
- Jesus Music – CAIN
- Closer Than You Think – Jonathan Traylor
- Ghost – Sam Bowman
- Joy Alchemy – Tow’rs
- Deep Magic – John Mark McMillan
- Sounds of Jubilee – Cindy Morgan
- Between the Shadow and the Sun – Lucy Grimble
- My Truth – Jonathan McReynolds
- In The Throes – Buddy & Julie Miller
- Jeremiah – Rachel Wilhelm
- And Be With You – Colorvault
- Levees – Mandi Mapes
- Alchemy – J Lind
- Phosphorescence – Kylie Dailey
- Psalms: The Poetry of Prayer – Caroline Cobb
If you’d like listen to the Top 11 Gourmet Albums audio countdown, check out Episode 96 of the Gourmet Music Podcast (coming 1/18/24).
We LOVE getting your feedback. In fact, lists like these are mostly good discussion starters. Answer either or both of these below and you’ll be entered into a drawing for a Kindle Fire – comment by 2/11/24.
a) What is your overall reaction to the Top 11 list? What do you agree with? Which albums, in your opinion, are missing?
b) Are there any albums that you’ll try out (or give a second chance) based on this list?
I believe Victory’s album is Glory Hour, not Golden Hour.
Thanks for pointing this out! Fixed!
Hey there. Always sitting on the edge of my seat in the early new year waiting for this to guide my deep dive into the past year’s quality Christian music. One album that didn’t show up in there was the album released by the Gray Havens. Not at the same level of Ghost of a King or other full album fare, but I have such respect for what he is doing for Christian Indie music in general, and every track they release is thoughtful and well-crafted even when it’s just a re-dux of a hymn or a cover.
Note – I think the title of the Victory Album is “Glory Hour” actually!
Thanks for all you do!
So happy to see that my top 3 for the year (Tina Boonstra, Jason Gray, Lauren Daigle) all made the list! I look forward to checking out the other albums on the list! Appreciate you all!
Digging back through Cory Asbury right now, but super pleased to see the Arcadian Wild and Colony House on there. My list pushed Joel Ansett’s new one straight to the top, so obviously I think it’s missing here! Great work though again!
Well-deserved love for Joel Ansett. It’s worthy of many repeat listens!
Surprised Skye Peterson’s album is not mentioned at all. It was a favorite for me for sure. Lots here to check out. Arcadian Wild, Need to Breathe and Jason Gray or a few of my other favorites.
I’m glad you mentioned Skye’s album. It’s really good and hope everyone takes a listen. Like every year, many great albums don’t get mentioned just because of the quantity of great releases – and the limits for each critic to narrow to a Top 11. It doesn’t mean those albums aren’t recommended… just might fall more in a Top 15 or Top 20 list for some of these panelists. But glad you are shining a light on it!
Another great year of work by the folks at UTR Media!
Just out of curiosity…did you all chat about or consider whether there was any way to recognize the most recent Bellsburg Sessions album? It’s been interesting to see how much of a phenomenon it has all been. Maybe it doesn’t fit the criteria for consideration?
I see the answer to my own question regarding Bellsburg and Gray Havens both – needs to be over 50% new material 😉
Actually we consider hymn remakes and even cover tributes to be “new material.” What isn’t new material would be like a live concert album or a remix album. We love The Gray Havens a ton – in fact UTR was their first ever radio interview over 10 years ago! But each critic was limited to 11 album picks – and there were just too many good ones to pick from. All the albums on the expanded list made it into at least one critic’s Top 11 list. “Bellsburg” actually released in November 2022, and made it onto the Honorable Mentions list a little over a year ago. 🙂
Looking forward to listening through these in the upcoming weeks. Always a good list from UTR
This is the first year that I have heard all 11 before the list was published. A lot of that is due to your work to let us know. Thanks!
Always a treat to hear the best gourmet music of the year!
NTB and Cory Asbury ate on my Playlist regularly, along with Lauren Daigle.
I will give the others on the top 11 a listen!
CONGRATULATIONS Susan! Your name was drawn as the winner of our “commenter contest” – w00t! Sending you an email to confirm.
I cannot believe there’s no mention of the new album from Kings Kaleidoscope?! Is that under yalls radar (haha sorry, couldn’t resist), or just not the critics’ cup of tea perhaps? Big miss in my eyes and yes, I am not thinking about this rationally! Although they are pushing the boundaries in many good ways for Christian music, in my eyes.
Otherwise, great work again!
I love the year end podcasts because I keep finding artists and albums I haven’t heard of, and there are several of them here that sound pretty good. I think the biggest surprise to me was to find Lauren Daigle on UTR. I had her pegged as mainstream in my mind. I’ll have to give her another shot and maybe listen through her latest to see what she’s *actually* doing, vs. what I *thought* she was doing.
And of course, the extended list combines with the best songs list and makes me want to check out some of the other ones here – Arcadian Wild, Colony House, Dave Barnes, Lucy Grimble (first I’ve heard of her was the top songs podcast – wow!) and even NEEDTOBREATHE might need another listen. Thanks for all your work to keep these lists high quality!
I have a lot of catching up to do. I love the Arcadian Wild but have not heard their new album at all, and not any of these in full. Time to load up Spotify.
I enjoyed Caroline Cobb’s Psalms album this year.