With so many artists forced off the road for most of the last 2 years, we predicted that 2021 would be an epic year in quantity of music released – and boy were we correct. If you missed some of the new releases – not to worry – we love helping you discover the most meaningful music on the planet. As is our tradition, we have assembled our UTR Critics’ Panel to honor the cream of the crop from the year gone by – specifically looking for excellence in songwriting, production, execution, and depth of spirituality. Fun fact – proving the wide breadth of quality music this last year – our 10 panelists selected 10 different albums as their #1 choice. Without further ado, here is UTR’s final collective Top 11 Gourmet Albums of 2021.
[Albums qualify if the music comes from a Christ-following artist, over 50% of the album’s songs were new to 2021 and were released between 12/1/20 and 12/1/21.]

1. Into The Mystery – Needtobreathe
After a studio album release in mid-2020 and a live album release in late-Spring 2021, Needtobreathe unexpectedly released another full-length studio album in July 2021. The band quarantined together in a house in Columbia, TN where they recorded this latest effort – and the results are spectacular. One critic shared, “Into The Mystery took me by surprise. I love hearing truth-filled tracks from a band that previously has been pretty veiled about their faith.” Another critic said, “This album proves that Needtobreathe is firing on all cylinders.” Into The Mystery is the #1 top gourmet album of 2021! [SPOTIFY LINK]
2. What Makes It Through – Sara Groves
Emotions are on full display in Sara Groves’ 14th career album. Given this unique time in history where our opinions and positions are causing dividing lines in our towns, churches, and families, this thoughtful set of songs guides us toward places of healing, restoration, and interpersonal peace. One panelist stated, “Sometimes brooding, always exploring, and arguably Sara’s most adventurous album to date, What Makes It Through is yet another example of why Sara is considered one of the best songwriters in Christian music.” Another described it as “a Masterclass in storytelling.” [SPOTIFY LINK]
3. Departures – Jon Foreman
Jon Foreman is the C.S. Lewis of modern songwriting. He is able to share complex spiritual ideas in ways that are relatable and accessible to those outside “the tribe.” His February 2021 solo effort Departures takes listeners to the deep end to grapple with identity, relational turmoil, and spiritual doubts. One UTR critic declared, “I love the vulnerability, hope, joy, and longing that ooze our of this album.” Another mentioned, “Departures puts Jon’s full range of songwriting on display with expressions of faith, doubt, joy, and fear… sometimes all within the same song.” [SPOTIFY LINK]
4. Interrobang – Switchfoot
One Jon Foreman album is never enough. In August, his internationally renowned band released their 12th career studio album which takes Switchfoot into some unique new musical directions (including more use of string orchestra). One panelist quipped, “Interrobang took me several listens before I fully resonated with it. But with each spin, the music and thoughtful lyrics carried me deep into a thoughtful menagerie of faith.” Yet another shared, “This album revealed a depth and awareness about the state of culture, religion, and inner being that very few artists achieve.” [SPOTIFY LINK]
5. Imago Amor – Remedy Drive
If righteous protest music was a genre, Remedy Drive would be one of the core artists. This January 2021 release is the third of a trilogy of albums focused on the fight against human trafficking. This isn’t just a trending topic that the band sings about – but they actually have been trained and have participated in anti-trafficking sting operations. One of our panelists stated, “This record challenges me to confront a world where the marginalized and oppressed are in need.” Another observed, “This album is full of so much: energy, tension, fuzzy basslines, compelling vocals, encouragement, challenge, and rebuke.” [SPOTIFY LINK]
6. Blue Flower – The Gray Havens
“Hats off to anyone,” noted one UTR critic, “who can make an old book about grief, doubt, and the faith journey of a long-dead theologian sound this colorful and enchanting.” The Gray Havens have long had lyrical hat-tips to authors C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, but this latest project is thematically based on Lewis’ autobiography Surprised By Joy. A panelist shared, “Released in drips and dribbles over the year as singles, Blue Flower really is an album that should be listened to as an album. Beautiful and energetic, playful and majestic, the record almost feel magical.” [SPOTIFY LINK]
7. Unfinished – Ross King
Even though he’s been writing and recording Christian music for over 20 years, Ross King is hitting a next level with the best songwriting of his career. One of our critics proclaimed, “This is one of the most uplifting, challenging, and introspective albums I’ve heard this year.” Another commented, “THIS is the album the Christian Music industry, the Worship music complex, the American Church needs to hear! This is the prophetic voice challenging our current trends of celebrity pastors, political power, and tribalism. Listen to the whole album and especially pay attention to the songs that make you uncomfortable.” [SPOTIFY LINK]
8. Canyon – Ellie Holcomb
One complaint often cited about CCM music is that it sounds very homogenous – musically and thematically. Ellie Holcomb is able to break the mold and stretch the sound and topics of CCM, while still being very accessible to a wide audience. Here’s what one panelist shared about her June 2021 release: “Canyon is truly a moving and prayerful album. The songs are captivating, catchy, and inspirational.” Another shared, “Ellie paints a beautiful picture of an empty heart being flooded by a river of love. With top-notch production and stellar vocals, this is easily one of the standout albums of 2021.” [SPOTIFY LINK]
9. All My Questions – Bethany Barnard
Beautiful art can be birthed from the rubble of shattered dreams, heartache, deep grief, personal brokenness. Exhibit A is the new studio album from Bethany Barnard, who has shared that these songs were written at a time that she felt the farthest from God. One UTR critic said, “All My Questions” painfully and beautifully tackles mental health, religious trauma, and parenthood. Bethany’s willingness to be vulnerable on these tracks lyrically and musically makes this one of the most important albums in Christian music.” Another described the release as “an eavesdrop on her private, personal prayer times – tender and poignant.” [SPOTIFY LINK]
10. Poet Priest – Andy Squyres
“I was blown away by the unusual beauty and the deeply personal, honest lyrics,” declared one of our panelists. These songs were written in the wake of personal heartache, brokenness, and loss. Many of us experienced a degree of these things over the last 2 years, which makes this album all the more poignant and timely. One UTR critic stated, “Andy Squyres is a true artist – fearlessly asking hard questions and communicating an earnestness, grief, and hope through his voice and words. Poet Priest may be a positive sign that the music industry is ready to move to a more organic and vulnerable sound.” [SPOTIFY LINK]
11. You Are Fullness – Young Oceans
It’s not easy to find worship music that avoids the cookie cutter trappings and cliches found in a lot of CCM music. Young Oceans delivers a project that has creative production and relatable vertical lyrics. As one of our panelists shared, “Eric Marshall (Young Oceans) takes us back to his world of ennui and melody, with some important lyrical reflections and emotional meditations on You Are Fullness. As he matures Marshall is finding new depths from which to compose and we need to hear what he has to offer.” [SPOTIFY LINK]
Another great year of well-crafted faith-inspired music! This list focuses on just our Top 11 (with our collective voting) – so it’s not just one person’s opinion. There were over 30 other albums that were cited by our critics as being “Top 11 worthy.” To help your musical explorations, we’re going to list them all here – the first six being our Honorable Mentions, but the rest are listed in no particular order.
- Skin and Wind – Charlie Peacock
- Deep Cuts – The Choir
- Onward & Upward – Jervis Campbell
- Recognition – Carolyn Arends
- Milk & Honey – Crowder
- Remember – Future of Forestry
- Terraform: The People – Propaganda & DJ Mal-Ski
- Hold Still – Taylor Leonhardt
- Mercy – Natalie Bergman
- Wayward & Home, pt.1 – Drakeford
- Development & Compromise – Chase Tremaine
- Principium – The Arcadian Wild
- The Other Side – Zach Winters
- The Dailys – The Dailys
- Protest and Praise – Common Hymnal
- Get Out of the Way of Your Own Heart – Chris Renzema
- Vital – Vector
- Shelterheart – Benjamin Daniel
- Hornet’s Nest – Phil Madeira
- New Creation – Mac Powell
- Three Finger Opera – Jeff Elbel
- Requiem – Rachel Wilhelm
- 7 + 3 – JUDAH
- All the Days – Physick
- January Flower – Mat Kearney
- Baby Take My Hand – Jess Ray
- Songs from Home – Jonathan Ogden
- Ninjutsu – Make Sure
- Light Will Find You – Antoine Bradford
- The politics of Kindness – Paul Fields
- Highest Praise – Stephen McWhirter & Jason Clayborn
- Philippians – Psallos
Look for Episode 70 of the Gourmet Music Podcast (releasing 1/13/22) for an audio countdown of our Top 11 Gourmet Albums of 2021.
We’d love to hear from YOU!
What were your favorite albums of 2021? Which of these albums are you going to dive deeper into (or give a second chance)? Did you discover any gems that you might have missed along the way? Please share below. [We are going to randomly dole out some free UTR t-shirts to a few of the commenters.]
Welp… this marks the second year in a row where my album landed on the “Best of the Year So Far” lists and yet didn’t end up landing within the year-end honorable mentions. Here’s hoping for 2022!
As for the albums that did make the list, my personal favorites can both be found in the honorable mentions long-list: Shelterheart by Benjamin Daniel and Hold Still by Taylor Leonhardt. Colorful, melodic folk music with jaw-dropping lyrics.
I’m a little shocked to see Needtobreathe come in at #1 — personally, I can hear the pitfalls of the “make an album in a month” gimmick peering through the cracks in the songs, which are built largely on familiar chord progressions, familiar melodies, familiar lyrics… It basically has nothing we haven’t heard from the band before, which makes for a sad follow-up to an album (2020’s Out of Body) that really saw the band making exciting strides into the future of their sound and strengths. I applaud the band for taking this challenge upon themselves — making music fast is a hard thing to do and it’s an honorable thing to attempt — but that doesn’t make me want to revisit songs that, to me at least, sound like first drafts.
Back to positivity, though… As a whole, these lists contain an abundance of music with incredible lyricism and striking poetry: Shelterheart, Hold Still, Imago Amor, What Makes It Through, Poet Priest, etc. What excited me the most about 2021’s Christian music, though, was finding a few albums with the same level of beautiful, artful, thought-provoking, Christ-centered lyricism, yet within the realms of hardcore music. For anyone with an ear for screaming, I’d highly recommend: In Those Day & Also After by Meadows, Blurred Vision by Idle Threat, Funeral Psalms by The Undertaking!, and The Body EP by Earth Groans.
Oh my…. total human error. Your album was indeed on our cited critics’ list, and I failed to list it. D’OH! I’m adding it now. My apologies. I appreciate your pushback about Needtobreathe, but I’m willing to defend their placement. “Into The Mystery” is much more than a record-it-fast gimmick… but lots of amazing albums are recorded fast (Andrew Peterson’s “Counting Stars” comes to mind). We got less polish on the songs, but the songs are gutsier than ever — it’s quite a lot of new territory for the band, actually. “West Texas Wind” may be the best song they ever released (in terms of songwriting). Anyway, the comments and additional recommendations are always welcomed and appreciated!
Hi UTR team — thank you for your response, doubly so! I wasn’t meaning to moan or complain in my original comment, but I surely wasn’t expecting THIS outcome. That’s amazing! I’m sincerely honored.
I also appreciate your comments on Needtobreathe, not only because I love it went people are able to disagree amicably and peaceably, but also because you make me want to go back and give the album another chance.
Looking forward to listening!
The Gray Havens and Needtobreathe hit all the greatness of Gourmet in 2021, and in your other 30, Chris Renzema puts on a great show with his album.
A great list! Going to dig into Bethany Barnard some more. I gave up on ordering my list, but my favorite albums from 2021 were:
Sara Groves – What Makes it Through
JOSEPH – Trio Sessions (Vol.2)
Lowland Hum – At Home
Taylor Leonhardt – Hold Still
Aoife O’Donovan – B61
Sandra McCracken – Canyon Sessions
Switchfoot – interrobang
Big Red Machine – How Long Do You Think it’s Gonna Last?
Joel Ansett – I Should Get Some Rest
Jose Gonzalez – Local Valley
Jake, you’ve been randomly selected to get a UTR t-shirt! w00t!! Thanks for taking the time to comment. An email is coming your way today to firm up the shipping details. (And a fantastic Top 11 list. That Joel Ansett song “Ease” is FIRE!)
Some well-deserved albums on this list. I am particularly happy to see Ross King and Bethany Barnard on the list. I was really bummed not to see my personal pick for Top album, Taylor Leonhardt “Hold Still” on either the Top 11 or Honorable Mention lists. This album has been at the top of other Christian music critics lists that I have read. I would have loved to have seen Mat Kearney and Jeff Elbel at least in the Honorable Mentions. Thanks for all you do and I’ve loved finding great music for many years through UTR. You guys are much appreciated by many!
Did you have a typo in the Honorable Mentions? You have “Remember” by Young Oceans. It was by Future of Forestry, wasn’t it?
Indeed! Correcting it now. Thanks for the good catch. I get those 2 artist mixed up more than I’d like to admit. LOL!
I don’t have an opinion on the list or order, other than I love that you curated many new albums to add to my listening library. Thank you. Keep up the good work.
Man! I though for sure Taylor Leonhardt would have been in the Top 11. Glad to see it honorably mentioned. Also happy to see Benjamin Daniel, Chase Tremaine, Jess Ray, and Chris Renzema Get honorable mention love. All great albums!
Yes, it surprised me too. More than anything, the sheer quantity of high-quality music in 2021 is to blame. It meant that certain albums deeply resonated with some of our panelists… but others didn’t have room for that in their Top 11 voting. Just thinking about the amazing year it was for female artists…. Sara Groves, Carolyn Arends, Natalie Bergman, Ellie Holcomb, Rachel Wilhelm, Jess Ray, Bethany Barnard, Caroline Cobb, Melanie Waldman, Sarah Juers, Teressa Mahoney, Gloria Fanchiang, Mona Reeves, Emily McCoy, Madison Cunningham, Elise Massa, Carly Bannister, Joy Oladokun, Madison Cunningham, Nicole Kelley, Anna Palfreeman, Merry Clayton… and of course Taylor Leonhardt. As you can see it gets complicated when the critics need to narrow down their list. [Even a Top 75 albums list probably wouldn’t be able to honor all of these artists I just listed.]
I always look forward to the Top Gourmet Albums lists!
A few of these are familiar, but I’m so excited about the ones I’ve not yet heard because therein might be a new favorite. Might have to attempt to dump all these on a Spotify list (unless there already is one?)… though that would be one massively long music set 🤣
Katrina, you’ve been randomly selected to get a UTR t-shirt! w00t!! Thanks for taking the time to comment. An email is coming your way today to firm up the shipping details. (And yes, we are releasing a “Best Albums” playlist on 1/14 that has one song from all 40+ albums cited in this article!)
As one of the panelists, who also covers the K-Love suite of music that releases each year, 2021 was indeed a banner year for “gourmet” music, and as Dave said, it’s difficult to highlight so many worthy releases in just 11 selections, and I believe each panelist had a different #1 selection, which exhibits the diversity of options to choose from. For me, I’m a big fan of vulnerable singer-songwriting, and Sara Groves, Ellie Holcomb, Bethany Barnard, and Jon Foreman all hit the mark in a big way (as they usually do). Having covered those artists since their debuts, I feel like the pandemic brought out some exquisite soul-searching and yearning songs (“Soul of Things” by Sara Groves, “I Will Carry You” by Ellie Holcomb, “You Know” by Bethany Barnard and “Jesus, I Have My Doubts” by Jon Foreman, for example). Also, to defend “Into the Mystery” by NEEDTOBREATHE, in addition to “West Texas Wind,” the quicker recording process seems to have brought out less disguised faith messages such as in “I Am Yours,” “Carry Me,” and “What I’m Here For,” which was a major highlight for me, as I was led to a saving faith in Christ from the “gourmet” and biblical messages from the debut album by Jars of Clay. Happy listening!
I am really glad to see this list each year! I would never have heard of Tina Boonstra or Carrollton otherwise (see last year’s list!). Thanks!
Ben, you’ve been randomly selected to get a UTR t-shirt! w00t!! Thanks for taking the time to comment. An email is coming your way today to firm up the shipping details. (And yes I’m still enjoying the 2020 releases by Tina Boonstra & Carrollton!)
NEEDTOBREATHE, yes! I love every offering on each album. These last two years has been navigated with the help of their music, and other favorite bands/artists! Thank you UTR for spreading the music love.💛
Principium by Arcadian Wild was my favorite of 2021, hands down. The artistry and the technical skills those guys have are amazing. I couldn’t stop listening. Melanie Waldman’s Psalmsongs also ministered to me. An album I really need to give more time to is Sara Groves. A casual listen just wasn’t enough to appreciate what I’m sure is a thoughtfully crafted work of art (because her albums always are).
I’m excited to see that two of my all-time favorites, The Gray Havens and Needtobreathe, made the list! There are quite a few others that I still need to check out. I personally miss the folk musical style of the older Gray Havens albums, but their lyrics never disappoint!
Kendra, you’ve been randomly selected to get a UTR t-shirt! w00t!! Thanks for taking the time to comment. An email is coming your way today to firm up the shipping details. (And a fantastic Top 11 list. TGH and N2B are all-time faves for me too!)