About utrmedia

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So far utrmedia has created 297 blog entries.

Best Albums & Songs of 2019 (So Far)

Our UTR Critics Panel have converged to help recognize the albums and individual songs that won over their ears and hearts in just the last half of year. We hope you discover some gems!

Best Albums & Songs of 2019 (So Far)2019-08-03T16:49:02+00:00

Campaign: All Aboard 2019

God has been calling our ministry to "dream big dreams," and we are taking a step of faith to answer that call.  But we know we can't do it without YOUR help.

Campaign: All Aboard 20192019-08-03T17:07:13+00:00

June-July 2019’s HSM Playlist

It took us several years to embrace Spotify – even a decision reversal on a previous boycott. But we are glad we did – if for no other reason than we are seeing ways it is serving both artists and audiences.

June-July 2019’s HSM Playlist2019-06-07T22:32:26+00:00

UTR Fundraiser with Wild Harbors (June 2)

If you are within driving distance of Chicago on June 2, we would love to invite you to a special UTR Media concert and fundraiser.  We will feed your stomachs, ears, and souls.

UTR Fundraiser with Wild Harbors (June 2)2019-05-08T20:47:50+00:00
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